
Free E-Books

Attitude & Energy

By Stephen P. King

Psychological States & Performance

By Stephen P. King

The Guardian Dog

By Stephen P. King

Notes & Quotes on the Issue of Addiction

By Stephen P. King

Post-Traumatic Growth: Observations & Applications

By Robert Wright


Rapid Recovery: Accelerated Information Processing & Healing

By Stephen P. King



12 Steps to Authenticity

By Stephen P. King



The Book of Existential Questions

By Stephen P. King



Course Companion E-Books

These books come with the courses when purchased.

If you’d like to purchase them without purchasing a course, you may do so below.

If you’ve already purchased a course, you will find the course companion e-books on your account page.

PTSD: The Detachment Technique

By Stephen P. King



Post-Traumatic Growth

By Robert Wright



Collapsing Depression, Distress & Trauma For Children & Youth

By Stephen P. King

