A performance and training-based approach to eradicating shock and trauma in First Responders and Military Personnel in under ten hours.

PTSD: The Detachment Technique

We worked with elite endurance athletes, first responders and military personnel to develop a solution which used their core skills and characteristics as a means of helping them recover from PTSD.

Meaning of Detachment

Detachment means that you become profoundly, actively involved, but you do so without clinging to your concept of what you expect the outcome of your involvement to be. It is a decision not to be highly emotional in favor of reacting calmly in a thoughtful and unbiased way. It is not being uncaring or cold, rather it is being totally objective and involved.

Detachment is what allows a person to become intimate with people, projects and experiences. Because you do not have to have it all work out your way, you can afford to invest yourself in the new normal instead of holding back lest you get your feelings hurt or become disappointed. Detachment is about bringing your whole self, your inner core, to a situation and having the faith to trust that you will be okay no matter what the outcome.

Faith thrives on being non-attached. The reason that faith can thrive in such an atmosphere is that it invites openness and freedom, remaining free of fixed ideas of what an outcome should be. This allows life to flow, finding something positive in the midst of uncertainty and focusing on what you can do rather than what’s wrong. All of this is tremendously important if we are to experience fulfillment in what we do and who we are. 

(‘Know Your Core’ by Alex Laws p.85)


The Detachment Technique is not intended for the diagnosis or management of any mental health disorder. Working on emotional topics can trigger intense emotions in some people. If this happens to you and your distress is beyond what is comfortable, then you should stop using the Detachment Technique and instead seek help from a behavioral health professional. You should call 911 or ANother Help Line if you get thoughts of self-harming or of harming others. If you are presently under the care of a behavioral health professional – then please consult with them prior to using the Detachment Technique.